Setup Outlook 2007

This tutorial will guide you through the setup of Microsoft's Outlook 2007 email program.

When you open Outlook 2007 for the first time, the first time Wizard will run automatically for you. You can also start it from Outlook 2007 itself by going to "Tools" then "Account Settings". Click "Next" to begin the setup.

Select "Yes" and click "Next".
Enter the following details:

    * Your name: The name as you'd like it to appear on any emails you send
    * Email address: Your email address
    * Password: Your email account password, as supplied by us
Tick the box to manually configure your server settings and click "Next".

Select "Internet E-mail" and click "Next".

Enter the details as follows (Outlook may have completed some of the fields already):

    * Your name
    * Email address
    * Account type: POP3
    * Incoming mail server:
    * Outgoing mail server:
    * Username: Your email address
    * Password

Ensure "Remember password" is ticked and click "Next".

Click "Finish" to complete the process.

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